body scanning
This service is offered in-person and via DNA samples ie: hair, nails, and saliva swabs and can be offered to individuals that live at distances or in other states.
The SpectraVision technology is used to identify sensitivities and sources of imbalance in the physical and emotional bodies caused by stress and environmental toxicities.
Electro-acupuncture according to Voll Polarity. The first procedure to identify imbalances was discovered over 70 years ago. The technology was based primarily on the pioneering work of Reinhold Voll, M.D. of Germany. Voll experimented with acupuncture points in the late 1940s and found them to be access points through which the electrical energy of the meridians could be measured. At the same time, he found that it was not necessary to penetrate the skin using needles, but instead, he could obtain accurate measurements by using electrodes on the skin's surface. Voll utilized the premise of measuring the meridian energy system to determine the vitality of the body's organs. He found a way to differentiate the electrical impedance of healthy and sick people and was so successful with his technique that it became known as Electro-Acupuncture or EAV. Voll's devices became the forerunners of systems that are now classified as biofeedback in the technology.
Today's SpectraVision Insight acupoint stress testing devices are highly sophisticated. The SpectraVision can be used to measure stress responses to help determine optimal nutritional and homeopathic protocols to facilitate the meridian flow. SpectraVision’s multi-channel system incorporates an automatic screening process through the use of an advanced interface device for non-invasive biofeedback stress testing to determine functional imbalances in the body. Modern technology makes the testing process very efficient; what used to take hours can now be accomplished in 20 minutes or less. The Spectra-Vision tests for thousands of substances, with the average scan running about ten minutes.
Non-cognitive Biofeedback researchers, including Barbara Brown, Ph.D., found the skin to be a conduit for the knowledge contained within the human body In a chapter entitled Skin Talk from her book, New Mind: New Body, Brown states: "If we think in terms of the electrical energy that flows in these skin conversations
and liken it to the electromagnetic radiations that lay hidden in uranium ore...we can have some idea of the potential force of the skin to guide expeditions to the furthermost horizons of man's mind." As the field and influence of Voll’s EAV grew, the Japanese and Americans developed similar devices and computerized EAV by the end of 1980. EAV had become computerized. Dr. Bodo Kohler of Germany states that recent research emphasizes the true link between the meridian system and current biophysical knowledge. In his paper entitled Biophysical Information Therapy (BIT): The Evolution of Subtle Energy Medicine, he says, "The information flow in the human in all likelihood identical with the meridian system," supporting Voll's findings. It is apparent that the extensive research of Dr. Reinhard Voll over fifty years ago has provided a bridge between ancient Eastern wisdom and the findings of modern biophysicists, creating a new paradigm for health and wellness assessment. The basic difference between EAV and other forms of conventional biofeedback is that EAV typically is not used for voluntary stress management. Rather, it collects information from the body without the participant's conscious manipulation of the data. In this respect, it is often referred to as non-cognitive biofeedback.
For millennia, indigenous cultures have seen the human body as an energy system with an innate ability for self-healing. This ancient wisdom, from the Chinese models of medicine, is a discipline founded upon thousands of years of studying the relationship between nature and the natural flow of energy within the body. Its fundamental premise is that an adequate, unhindered, and balanced flow of energy must be evenly present throughout the body in order to maintain health and that any imbalance in the energy flow can eventually lead to illness. Enhancing the scope of care for optimal health. The bridge between ancient wisdom and high technology.
Recently it has been shown that stress hinders the flow of energy through the meridian system affecting the tissues and creating imbalances within the body. Healthy life energy is not static—it depends as much on the free movement of energy as it does on the energy itself. Likewise, balance is not static. Balance implies equal and opposite forces working in harmony to regulate each other. In a dynamic, living system, these forces are in a perpetual state of flux, constantly moving and synchronizing together. If an unbalanced state occurs, it is due to one force dominating another, either because the greater energy has become excessive, or because the lesser energy has become stagnant.
The Chinese found that there are 12 major energy channels flowing in the body. By analyzing the intricate relationships of the various channels, a wealth of information may be obtained. From this perspective, one is able to look at the whole picture of health and find any potential imbalances that might one day create functional distress, simply by assessing each of the energy channels. Eastern medicine identifies the energy flow as ch'i or life force. It is believed that ch'i circulates throughout the body, along pathways called meridians which make up the body's invisible information network; linking all of the organs and systems together. The Chinese model of medicine explains that the twelve main meridians are mirrored on both sides of the body, resulting in 12 distinct paired pathways. Each pair correlates with some organ, system, or process in the physical body for which the meridian is named. If there is an imbalance between the pairs it can now be easily identified with Spectravision.